Raspberry Point
New London, PEI
Grown in the cool waters of New London Bay, PEI National Park, Raspberry Point Oysters are continuously manicured throughout the growth process. The result is a perfect 3-to-3.5-inch small choice oyster that has a wonderful salty taste, clean flavor, and a delightful, sweet finish.
Lucky Lime
New London, PEI
Lucky Limes Oysters are grown in the cool water of PEI National Park Dunes Area, New London Bay, PEI. They oyster’s bright green shell and unique flavour comes from the subtle mixture of sea water and tidal streams that break up the landscape of the surround farmland.
Copps Island
Norwalk Islands, CT
Copps Island oysters are farmed and harvested in the wild by using traditional farming techniques on the renowned oyster beds of the Norwalk/Westport Island Chain where shallow waters, swift currents and sandy bottoms provide prime growing conditions. These oysters are farmed on the sea floor in their natural environment, giving our oysters the best of both worlds - the robust qualities of a wild oyster and the sustainability of a farmed product.